Welcome Aboard Package

WelcomeHome Our Welcome Aboard Package provides flexible, affordable care that helps you have a smooth, comfortable, and safe return home after discharge from a hospital, rehabilitation, or surgery center.

Upon discharge, a licensed care provider will perform the following services, as needed:

  • Pick up from the facility or hospital when discharged
  • Assist with discharge paperwork from the facility
  • Transportation Home
  • Assures safe transition from facility to the comfort
    of the client's home
  • Pick up essentials from store and/or pharmacy and
    delivers them home
  • Provides 4 hours of in-home care services
  • *Welcome Aboard Package is available for a one-time
    affordable cost as part of an on-going service agreement.

For more information about the Welcome Aboard Package,
or to schedule a free in-home consultation, contact a Client
Care Liaison today!